Using Nature Lister

Searching for a species

Searching for a species

This is quite powerful so a basic understanding is needed

At the top of the species screen there are two entry boxes, the first one is the Species name search box , the second is the  QCode (Quick code) box

You will see a list of species listed below so anything you type in the search box will be found in the species list and that list will get smaller until you see the name in the list.

The Qcode can be used to find UK bird species using the BTO quickcodes and UK moths using the  "new" decimal-style checklist number from 2013 british moths checklist.

 For full details please watch this tutorial


27 June 2020



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This product was designed for Nature club members and those doing a wildlife survey as a simple way of recording their sightings.

You can send your sightings via your own email as a CSV Spreadsheet to yourself or someone else such as a county recorder or a club.
You can export the sightings in BTO Birdtrack, eBird or other formats ready for import into their systems.